Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter from Malton!

First off WTF is a Spring Sphere They are Easter Eggs! And Team Xtreme are not PC about anything.
Hell let's see how long these PC wackos last if they were trapped in a Zombie Apocalypse!

Having said that, we here at the Xtreme Zone would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter!
Here is a Easter picture of one of my favorite rabbits in Malton, the one and only Robbie the Rabbit!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rock the Dead

A group called the dead have risen in numbers so vast that it will take all the survivors in Malton, the zombies, as well as the Killers and Bounty Hunters working together to defeat them. The dead's goal is to ruin Malton. To end it all. They have no love for our city, for our way of life. They do it because it amuses them.
Let us give them a fight!